How it works

Solar panels generate electricity with any level of daylight - even on dull days. Daylight on a solar panel creates an electric field across the layers of silicon in each cell, producing Direct Current (DC) electricity. An inverter then converts the DC electricity to the Alternating Current (AC) electricity that powers our homes.

The freestanding solar panels are made from toughened glass in an aluminium frame. They are positioned to face south to maximise their exposure to sunlight. They're set up in rows with a tilt of about 20 degrees and height ranging from 0.8m at the front to 2.9m at the back. Rows are spaced 3- 4m apart to avoid overshadowing.

The proposed solar panels are piled into the ground, eliminating the need for concrete or excessive digging. This allows the land to be restored to its former condition at the end of the solar farm's operational life.
Energy storage systems complement solar panels by storing excess electricity generated during peak sunlight hours for use during night-time or cloudy days, enhancing the reliability and efficiency of solar power systems. This setup allows for a consistent energy supply, efficient energy management through load shifting, and can lower energy costs during high-demand periods. Moreover, it offers a backup power source during outages, increasing the system's resilience.

Coverage of solar power across the UK

Solar currently covers only 0.1% of UK land, less than the land take of golf courses, Christmas trees, or grouse moors.

Facts on Storage

Desire for Self-Sufficiency

In the UK, there is a strong drive towards achieving energy self-sufficiency through the adoption of storage systems. This is fuelled by the desire for greater independence from utility companies, an increasing environmental awareness, and a need for greater resiliency in the event of energy supply disruptions.

Record funding uplift for UK battery research and development

The battery industry could deliver 100,000 jobs by 2040 and is central to growth of key industries, such as electric vehicles and renewables, as well as the sustainable growth of the economy. (Source: Gov.UK).

Cost and Performance Improvements

Driven by expanding electric vehicle markets and related manufacturing economies of scale, the cost of batteries (particularly lithium-ion) is dropping while performance is improving.

Grid Modernisation

The growth of the battery storage market goes hand-in-hand with grid modernisation efforts, including the transition to smart grids. Batteries help to unlock the full potential of smart technologies, and vice versa.

Participation in Wholesale Electricity Markets

Battery storage will help balance the grid and improve power quality regardless of the generation source. Nearly every nation we examined is revamping its wholesale energy storage market structure to allow batteries to provide capacity and ancillary services.