White House Farm Solar and Storage Facility is a solar and battery energy storage system (BESS) development, set to provide and store clean renewable energy to support Wales in its drive to be carbon neutral.

The proposed development will cover an area of approximately 139.9 acres/56.6 hectares, contained within the existing field boundaries. Qair undertakes a rigorous site selection process; as a result, this site has been selected for the following reasons:

  • There are no statutory environmental, ecological or heritage designations located within the site.
  • The site will not be adversely affected by tidal or fluvial flooding or increase the risk of flooding elsewhere.
  • The proposal is of a scale that will provide an economically viable and efficient renewable energy facility that will help Wales to meet its climate change targets.
  • A battery energy storage system is incorporated to enhance the production and distribution of energy by storing surplus energy for use later.
+ 16 tonnes
of avoided CO2 peryear
+ 12500 Homes
powered every year
+ 30 MWp
Power output
+ 11 MW
Energy storage system capacity